
Washoe Legal Services
Washoe Legal Services is commonly referred to as WLS for short. Washoe legal Services was founded in 1965 in reno, Nv. It is a non-profit legal aid organization. Washoe Legal Services believes that the justice system was put into place to protect the rights of every citizen, not just those who have the money to hire […]
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Elder Abuse & Neglect: How to Stop, Prevent, & Report
Elder abuse is far more common than many people think. Here is everything you need to know to help spot the warning signs of elder abuse and neglect and how you can stop them in their tracks. What is Elder Abuse and Neglect? First and foremost, elder abuse can come in different forms such as […]
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Eligibility to be a Guardian of a Child: Your Checklist
Trying to figure out if you qualify for being a guardian of a child in the state of Nevada? You have come to the right place. Today, we are going to over what you must do or be to be eligible to be a guardian. How to Become Guardian of a Child General Qualifications First […]
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Nevada Eviction Notices: Everything You Need to Know
In the state of Nevada, the landlord can evict you, the tenant for violating your lease and/or your rental agreement or failing to pay your rent. However, as a tenant, you will have legal defenses, or options that can challenge the eviction process. Nevada’s Eviction Notices Process When it comes to the landlord-tenant relationship in […]
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Your Guide to Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993
First and foremost, you are probably landed here because you want to know what exactly the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 is or FMLA for short. Well, for short, the FMLA is a labor law in the United States that require ALL covered employers to provide their employees with some sort of job-protected […]
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Indian Health Services (IHS) in Nevada
The Indian Health Services or IHS for short is an operation division under the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The Indian Health Services oversees providing public health services and direct medical services to those individuals who are a part of the federally recognized Alaska Native and Native American Tribes. The Indian Health […]
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Nevada Medicaid: Your Complete Guide
You have probably heard of Medicaid and even Medicare. But today, we are going to dive more in depth on what Medicaid is how to apply and what it will entail. What is Nevada Medicaid? Medicaid in Nevada or well in the United States for that matter is going to be a state and federal […]
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Procedure for Filing a Joint Petition in Nevada
First and foremost, if you and your partner will agree to the terms of your divorce that will be listed below, then this will be a quick and painless way to end your marriage in the state of Nevada. You need to both agree to on ALL things that will be listed below: Child Support […]
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What Happens to Property After Divorce in Nevada
If you are going through a divorce and you reside in the state of Nevada, do you two have a plan for what you get to keep and what they get to keep when it comes to your property? Do you have a plan for who will be responsible for these certain debts that you […]
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Rental Payment Receipt
Just like you receive receipts for everyday purchases, such as groceries and gas, it is just as important, if not more so, that you receive a receipt from your landlord or property management company for payment of your rent. For most individuals, your monthly rent is one your highest expenditures, so being able to document […]
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What is a Post Foreclosure Eviction in Nevada?
If you just bought a real estate property that was at the foreclosure sale, before you can evict the people who are inhabiting the property, you will need to find out the answer to the following question: Is the person who is inhabiting the property the former owner or the owner’s tenant? This question alone is […]
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Abusive Debt Collection Practices and How to Stop Them
Currently, debt collectors are like your ex-boyfriend/husband. They are always calling you and harassing you. Some people dread those 8 am phone calls from the debt collectors. Some people dread those letters about the debts they owe as well. It is time to face your fears and deal with the debt collectors. It is time […]
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Repairs and Fixes (Habitability Problems)
Common Problems Mold Plumbing Bed Bugs, Roaches, etc. No heat No air-conditioning No running water or hot water No power or gas Broken door lock to the outside Casualty (major fire, flooding or roof collapse) The fire or other casualty must substantially impair the dwelling. If you are not forced out of the dwelling immediately […]
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Reasonable Accommodation for Disability
Fair Housing Accommodation Requests for Disability Common reasonable accommodation requests include moving from an upstairs to a downstairs unit, relocating to a unit closer to an exit, and fixing an elevator. If you suffer from a disability, you may write a letter to your letter requesting a reasonable accommodation directly related to your disability. The […]
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Personal Property Left Behind After Eviction
Under NRS 118A.460, the landlord muststore and keep your property for 30 days after you leave.If youdo not retrieve the property within 30 days, the landlord can dispose of the property. The landlord must provide 14 days notice before disposing of the property. At a minimum, however, the landlord must wait until the 30th day […]
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Before a father can request custody, visitation or child support, he must be determined under the law to be the father of the child, which is also called establishing “paternity.” When Paternity Already Established Paternity is already established (meaning that the father does not need to do anything extra to establish paternity) if: The father […]
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Legal Process for Custody, Visitation and Child Support
Residency Requirement Service Answering Complaint If Defendant Answers Mediation Trial Motion to Relocate Motion to Modify Custody Motion to Modify Child Support Judgments from Other States Enforcing the Order Emergency Order to Pick Up Child Residency Requirement The person filing, called the plaintiff, must have lived in Nevada for at least six weeks and the […]
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Identity Theft – FTC Informational Brochure
FTCs informational handout regarding identity theft and what can you do if you experience it. Also contains links to an interactive identity theft tutorial from the FTC.
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How Nevada Legal Services Helps with Bankruptcy
Nevada Legal Services provides assistance to Nevadans interested in filing for bankruptcy in 2 ways. In our Las Vegas Office, our intake specialists will evaluate your case to determine if a bankruptcy filing can stop harassing creditors or ease your financial burden. Our Las Vegas Office has several attorneys who can file a Chapter 7 […]
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Your Guide to Homestead Your Home in Nevada
Are you finally looking into homesteading your home? But the definition of homestead and how you can go about this is a little bit confusing? If so, you are not the only one. First and foremost, the homestead laws here in Nevada will allow you, the homeowner to state there is a limited portion of […]
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Homeowners Associations and Foreclosure
The HOA Foreclosure Process If a homeowner defaults in paying the monthly assessments, an HOA can foreclose. A common misconception is that the association cannot foreclose if you are current with your mortgage payments. However, the association’s right to foreclose has nothing to do with whether you are current on your mortgage payments. In Nevada, […]
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Guardianship of Adult
Need for Guardianship Guardianship may be needed if someone cannot take care of him or herself and/or his or her property. Unfortunately, due to lack of foresight or lack of advice, many individuals fail to make any provision as to how they or their property should be managed in the event they should lose their […]
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Foreclosure Prevention
To buy a home most people borrow money from a bank or another lender. In exchange for the loan, the lender holds a lien against the property. If the borrower misses payments, then the loan goes into default and the lender can sell the property to pay off the loan. This process is called mortgage […]
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What is a Deficiency Judgement in Nevada?
In the state of Nevada, if you undergo a foreclosure and it does not sell for as much as the remaining balance of your mortgage, then the bank, or what is commonly referred to as the foreclosing party can come after you for the difference. However, you should know that there are limits when it […]
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Alimony or Spousal Support
First and foremost, alimony is financial support that one spouse will be required to pay either during or after their divorce. In some situations, a spouse may be required to pay before and after the divorce is finalized. The alimony will help the one spouse maintain an affordable standard of life after their divorce is […]
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Clinics and Seminars in Northern Nevada
Reno Legal Clinics Carson City Legal Clinics Elko Legal Clinics Fallon Legal Clinics Gardnerville Legal Clinics Winnemucca Legal Clinics Reno Education Seminars Reno Legal Clinics: Self Help Forms Completion Clinic: Every 1st Wednesday of each month (excluding holidays), 2:00 – 4:00 pm held at 204 Marsh Avenue, on the 3rd Floor Self Help Forms Completion […]
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Clinics and Seminars in Southern Nevada
Date Outreach Time Location January 5, 2016 Help USA 1pm 921 W. Owens Ste. 130 January 6, 2016 Tonopah – Ask –A Lawyer 10am 101 Radar Rd, Tonopah 89049 January 8, 2016 Record Sealing 3-5pm 309 S. Third St. Las Vegas January 11, 2016 Hermandad Mexicano 10am Rafael Rivera Community 2900 Stewart Ave. LV 89101 […]
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