Legal aid, assistance and services in Nevada
Legal Forms
We recommend you look through your County’s website for the most current forms. The Nevada Supreme Court also has forms available for family law matters, evictions, temporary protection orders, and Supreme Court Appeals.
For record sealing forms, please review our manual (Spanish version here) and click on the links below (You will be taken to our partner website called LawHelp Interactive):
- Eighth Judicial District Court Record Sealing Packet
- Henderson Justice Court Record Sealing Packet
- Henderson Municipal Court Record Sealing Packet
- Las Vegas Justice Court Record Sealing Packet
- Las Vegas Municipal Court Record Sealing Packet
- North Las Vegas Justice Court Record Sealing Packet
- North Las Vegas Municipal Court Record Sealing Packet
For landlord-tenant forms you may also access the Access to Justice Commission of the Nevada Supreme Court. For additional Justice Court forms, click on the links below:
- Las Vegas Justice Court and the Civil Law Self Help Center
- Reno Justice Court (use the Supreme Court forms for Landlord Tenant matters)
- Carson City Justice Court